How to find out if you are in a spiritual partnership?

Understand what a spiritual partnership is can help you to cultivate a deeper relationship with your partner

What is a spiritual partnership?

How do you know that you are in one?

What do spiritual partnerships have in common?

Very simply, it is a partnership that is condusive to the growth of both individuals. It is a partnership where honesty and growth are priority over just making each other feel nice. Everyone – it doesn’t matter who you are – will eventually get frustrated with each other when they are in a contained environment for a long period of time. It’s almost impossible not to, and that’s okay! The magic comes in when those individuals will stick around to clean up the mess, to listen to each other, and to create their connection even deeper than it was before.

… But beyond that… Spiritual Partnerships are about the feeling. The way that you feel when you’re in their presence, and the connection that you have simply radiates between each other with awareness. You begin to know what each other are thinking and feeling, and so there’s more deeper communication happening between the two of you because you’re communicating on a frequency that is beyond words. It is mental, it is emotional, and it is full of Knowing.

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Check out the Spirit Science for the entire story.

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